Staying On Track
School-Wide Grading Policy
Category |
Weight |
Priority Standards for each course Up to 10 per term (core classes) Priority standards are grade level appropriate. They are not the same as Supporting Standards, which include prerequisites. |
Summative Assessments: 1 Formative Assessments: 0.2 |
Students are required to show their mastery of the content in order to earn their grade. To show mastery, students are completing: Summative Assessments: assessments are designed to assess key standards students are taught with each unit. Students will be notified when summative assessments by their teacher. Examples of summative assessments include (but not limited to):
Formative Assessments: assessments happen as students progress throughout the unit, marking period, and semester. These assessments help students and teachers identify what students are learning, and where additional support is needed. These assessments happen daily. Examples of formative assessments include (not limited to):
Academic and Personal Behaviors: These core values [Persistence, Engagement, Work Habits/Organizational Skills, Communication/Collaboration, and Self-Regulation] are required skills that students will need to prepare for success in college and career opportunities. They matter in your success in your classes and are reflected in your grade. Students who demonstrate these values will see an impact in their academic performance. Examples of APB include:
Students must have an opportunity to show their mastery within the term. |
Graduation Requirements
Regents DiplomaStandard Requirements |
Advanced Regents DiplomaAdditional Requirements |
English (8 Credits) |
Foreign Language OR CTE coursework |
Global History (4 Credits) | |
U.S. History (2 Credits) | |
Government (1 Credit) | |
Economics (1 Credit) | |
Life Sciences (2 Credits) | |
Physical Sciences (2 Credits) | |
Additional Life/Physical Sciences (2 Credits) | |
Mathematics (6 Credits) | |
Art (2 Credits) | |
Foreign Language (2 Credits) | |
Physical Education (4 Credits) | |
Health (1 Credit) | |
Electives (7 Credits) |
Core Regents Exams (5) | Advanced Regents Exams (8 + CTE Exam) |
English |
English |
Regents Exams
Regents exams measure student achievement in high school-level courses. In order to graduate from high school, students must pass five Regents exams in the following subject areas: English Language Arts, a math, a science, social studies, and any additional Regents exam or another option approved by the State. Student may also earn an Advanced Regents diploma if they pass certain additional Regents exams in math and science, as well as any NYC Language Other Than English exam.
NY State offers Regents exams in the following subject areas:
- English Language Arts
- Math
- Algebra I
- Algebra II/Trigonometry
- Geometry
- Science
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Living Environment
- Physics
- Social Studies
- Global History and Geography
- U.S. History
Who takes this test?
Students have the opportunity to take Regents Exams in grades 9-12 and, when appropriate, in grade eight. Students may also take Regents exams after leaving high school to earn a diploma.
When is this test given?
The Regents exams are given three times a year: in January, June, and August. For a list of upcoming dates, visit NY State Education Department's Regents page. Not all subject exams are offered during each test date.
What is on the test?
The content will vary by exam subject. All exams have multiple choice and open-ended questions.
How is the test scored?
The Regents exams are scored by licensed and trained New York City teachers. No student’s exam is scored by a teacher from the student’s school. This scoring follows NY State Education Department and DOE policies on scoring of State exams.
How are the results reported?
You can see Regents exam results on the student's high school transcript and in their NYC Schools Account Schools have the option to display all of the student’s Regents exam scores or just the highest score earned in each exam subject.
How are the results used?
Results are used for student high school graduation requirements, school quality reports, and teacher development and evaluation.